Is Your Vehicle Ready for the Unexpected?

November 28, 2022, 10:02 am

Driving your car day in and day out starts to feel reliable and trustworthy, like it would never let anything go wrong.  As much as we want this to happen, we can never tell when something could go wrong. Unexpected car problems may happen at any time. We value your safety, that’s why we recommend bringing in your vehicle for a Winter Safety Inspection. We will:

Check The Brakes

If you delay having your brakes checked, it poses a higher risk with auto accidents and auto collisions.

Check The Tire Tread

Your car’s tire tread thickness is very important. Low tire tread makes it difficult for you  to grip the road and navigate your vehicle especially during bad weather conditions like rain, snow and ice.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Driving with a tire pressure that is either too high or too low is dangerous and can put you at risk of getting into an auto accident. Even if you have new tires on your car, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure.

Check The Battery

Don’t risk getting caught in the nasty weather with a car that won’t start. When we inspect your vehicle, we will test your battery and recommend when it should be replaced.

Check The Fluids

We will check your fluids to make sure that they’re topped off and you will not be at risk of running low on anything critical to your safety.

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